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Advanced Engineering Solutions. We provide CFD / FEA / CAD consultancy. We also provide online trainings. Oct 27, 1995 Advanced Engineering Dynamics Solutions by Jerry H. Ginsberg, 473, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Advanced Engineering Dynamics Solutions Advanced Engineering Dynamics Solutions by Jerry H. Download it Advanced Engineering Dynamics Solutions books also available in PDF, EPUB, and Mobi Format for read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets.
Directions: This exam is closed book. You are allowed three sheets of notes, front and back. No laptops or electronic communication devices are allowed in the exam. This includes cell phones. Calculators are allowed.
Unless otherwise specified, feel free to express vector answers in terms of any unit coordinate vectors defined in the problem. It is strongly recommended that you show your work in symbolic terms first before you substitute in numbers. This makes it more likely that we can award partial credit, when numerical errors crop up.
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Engineering Dynamics Solution Manual Pdf
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Engineering Mechanics, Dynamics
Module Lead: Professor Lin Ma | Profile | Email Other Teaching Staff: Professor Ning Qin | Profile | Email QAA Framework Credit Level: 7 | Credits: 15 Semester: Autumn Pre-Requisites: MEC208 or AER298, or equivalent in the case of the MSc Co-Requisites: None 
Restrictions: None |
Advanced Dynamic Solutions
Module Overview | Module DescriptionThe module introduces advanced subjects in fluid mechanics and focuses on the theory and applications of the fundamental physical laws governing Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flows. The Navier-Stokes and continuity equations are revisited and the Energy and the general Transport Equations for fluid flows will be derived. A key skill developed is problem solving in the area of advanced fluid mechanics through how equations, boundary conditions and computational models may be adapted and simplified to describe a wide variety of engineering flows such as creeping, laminar, turbulent, incompressible and compressible flows. Module Syllabus1. Introduction • Basic concepts of fluid dynamics • Kinematics of fluid flows: translation/deformation/rotation, strain rates (tensor), stress, vorticity (tensor), etc. • Revision on vector/tensor notations. 2. Method of flow analysis • Frame of references: Lagrange/Eulerian, stream functions, • Revision on N-S Equations • Transport Equation for fluid flows. 3. Analytical Solutions for Simple Fluid Flows • Stokes flow • Potential flow 4. Boundary Layer Flow - The concept and theory • Derivation of Boundary layer equations • The Blasius solutions for flow over a flat plate • Displacement Thickness, Momentum Thickness, The Integral Method 5. Boundary Layer Flow - Separation, Transition and Turbulent BL • Boundary layer flow transition and separation • Turbulent BL, Structure and velocity profiles, stress distribution/wall friction 6. Compressible flows - Basic • Speed of sound and derivation of the Mach number • Classification of speed range for compressible flows: from subsonic to hypersonic • Revisit isentropic relations 7. Compressible flows – inviscid • Revisit of normal shock relations • Oblique shock waves and analytical relations • Transonic, supersonic and hypersonic flows 8. Compressible flows - viscous • Compressible flow boundary layer: temperature profiles in the boundary layer • Shock boundary layer interaction • Control of SBLI 9. Transonic aerodynamics and drag reduction • Composition of aircraft drag • Drag rise Mach number and supercritical aerofoils • Swept wing • Shock control for transonic wings 10. Supersonic and hypersonic aerodynamics • Delta wing and supersonic aircraft • Sonic boom and its reduction for SST • Spikes for hypersonic drag and heating reduction 11. Revision |
Teaching and Assessment | Teaching Methods | Assessment Methods- 65 % Examination (2hrs)
- 35% coursework (1250) words
- Coursework: Individual case study max 1250 words (35%) (LO4, LO5)
Teaching Materials | Resit Assessment |
Reading MaterialsWhite FM ‘Fluid Mechanics’ Kundu PK, et al ‘Fluid Mechanics’ White FM ‘ Viscous Fluid Flow’ Schlichting H ‘Boundary Layer Theory’ Massey BS ‘Mechanics of Fluids’ S B Pope ‘Turbulent flows’ | FeedbackPre-Examination: Verbal feedback will be provided during the module in lectures/tutorials in relation to tutorial sheet problems, and general understanding of key concepts. Case Study: Support through specific seminars/tutorials Written feedback within 3 working weeks of the hand-in date. Post examination: Use of an exam feedback sessionto give feedback on performance. General written feedback will be provided, e.g. via MOLE. |
Learning Outcomes | Learning OutcomesThe following learning outcomes include the knowledge, skills, capabilities or aptitudes which you can expect to learn on this module. These module learning outcomes have been assigned codes which correspond to the AHEP-3 learning outcomes as defined by the Engineering Council. For a full explanation of these codes, refer to the AHEP-3 Learning Outcomes.
Module Learning Outcomes | AHEP-3 Learning Outcomes |
LO1 | Derive the fundamental equations of motion for Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid flows from first principles. |
LO2 | Evaluate what assumptions can be appropriately applied to the laws of motion governing different flow regimes. |
LO3 | Deconstruct and simplify the equations of motion appropriately for the correct prediction of different flow regimes. |
LO4 | Judge what the limitations are of simplifications in relation to various flow regimes and evaluate trade offs such as modelling accuracy and computational cost. |
LO5 | Create a case study relating to a selected area of study by integrating independent research and the knowledge gained in the module. |