Iso Win 95

I've discovered that many people don't really have a 'Good' way of installingWindows 95, Windows 95 release 2, or Windows 98. Here's my attemptto rectify that situation! Interestingly, the basic process is prettymuch the same for all versions. I will refer to all these packagesas Windows 9x. Individual details I'll mention when appropriate.

These instructions assume a CD-ROM on the installation machine.

Window Me ISO with Latest Version. The latest version of Windows ME being 4.90.3000 was released on 14th September 2000, almost 19 years ago. Not long after Windows ME was discharged to assembling on 19th June 2000, Microsoft propelled a crusade activity to advance Windows ME in the United States, which they named the Meet Me Tour. A national banded. Windows 95 (codenamed Chicago) is a consumer-oriented graphical user interface-based operating system developed by Microsoft. It was released on August 24, 1995, and was a significant progression from the company's previous Windows products.

After you run the Windows 95 VM, open the Display Properties setting window. As you can see in the. Windows 95 Iso; Windows 95 Internet Explorer Iso Download Torrent; Download Windows 95 Iso Full Version; It’s been much longer between my posts than I’d like. We had a re-org at work a little while back and now I’m up for another position that I’m waiting to hear. Windows 95 Floppy Boot Disk Image is the original Windows 95 boot disks for Windows 95 and 95B with IDE CDrom drivers included.

But I don't HAVE a CD-ROM

Get one. I won't help you if you don't have a CD-ROM on a Windows95 machine. CD-ROMs are very cheap now, and my time is not.

Step 1: Start from a clean computer.

Don't do upgrades. After a few experiences, I won't waste my timetrying to fix a Windows Upgrade. It works sometimes. Perhapseven often. However, nowhere near enough to be worth subjecting yourselfto the problems. And, even if it works initially, all the garbagefrom older versions of Windows will give you nightmares some day.

But I only have the UPGRADE version of Windows 9x!!

Yes. I'm sorry. Microsoft, in their infinite decided to only sell Windows 95 as an Upgrade to consumers. You would think they had learned this doesn't work properly with Windows95. The good news is the Upgrade versions only ask you to PROVEthat you have the old version, you don't have to INSTALL the old versionof the software. Windows 95 Upgrade will ask you to insert Disk 1. I understand the Windows 98 upgrade does something else, not sure what,but I understand it is more unpleasant. Oh, well.

Now, inspite of the official ban against selling full OEM versions toend users, many, many small computer stores will HAPPILY sell you a copyof Windows 9x OEM. I will not name any names. But if you seea small hole-in-the-wall computer store, odds are they will sell it toyou. Forget the big places, though.

Another reason to avoid the Windows 95 upgrade: It is only availablein the origional release. This means if you want anything cool fromRelease 2 (OSR2 as some people call it, Release B as others call it), youHAVE to go through less than legitimate channels. There is no wayto get Win95r2 legimiately other than to buy a computer with it (and thenyou can only use it on that one computer..)

Update: It appears it *is* possible to buy a 'legitmate' copyof Windows 98 full release, box and all. 'Bout time.

The computer should have NO WINDOWS directory on it. IF you mighthave some data lost in an upgrade, you could Rename the WINDOWSdirectory to some other name, if you so desire.

But, I don't WANT to wipe my system out!

You like what you have? Then don't upgrade! Keep it! Or, don't come whining to me about the results.

Step 2: Boot machine from floppy, prepare hard disk, get CD-ROM running

Windows 95 r2 and Windows 98 include a boot floppy.
Windows 98: The Windows 98 boot floppy includes several popularCD-ROM drivers, including some SCSI controllers and a driver which appearsto work with most IDE CD-ROMs.
Update: It is possible to boot off the Windows 98 CD-ROM. To my surprise, the boot disk and the boot image on the CD-ROM are different. Go figure. However, either source works pretty well.
Windows 95r2: The boot disk doesn't include any will have to make a copy of this disk (DISKCOPY) on anothercomputer, and provide your own CD-ROM driver for your own CD-ROM.
Windows 95: If you are using Windows 95 release 1, you willhave to provide your own boot disk. 'Good' news: Since Win95 onlysupports FAT16, you can use your old DOS boot disks for this.

Boot off the floppy. If this disk has CD-ROM support, you maywish to hit <F5> to keep from loading it -- we won't use it on thisboot
If appropriate, FDISK the drive, create your partition, make it 'active'
Windows 95r2 & 98: If you run FDISK and have a hard diskbigger than 512M, you will be asked if you want to use FAT32. I recommendyes, do use FAT32. I have *never* come across an application whichdoesn't work with FAT32, only a couple utilities that normal people wouldbe better off without. If your primary purpose is games and recreation,this may not apply -- games are more picky than business apps. FAT32lets you use larger hard disks as one partition, and stores data much moreefficiently than FAT16 does.
After FDISKing the drive, you need to reboot the machine, booting offa disk with CD-ROM support.

Format the hard disk, using
This not only formats the hard disk, but puts a system on it so itcan be booted.

I have been told that I should say here DON'T REBOOT YOUR SYSTEM YET!(Hi, K.O.B.! 8-)

Step 3: Copy the installation files

Go to drive C:, and create a directory called C:WINDOWSOPTIONSCABS. Note, this has to be done in three steps, you just can't make all threenested directories.
Commands for the DOS command line challenged: You type the stuff in lower case and Italics
Iso C:>md windows
C:>cd windows

Excuse me, that's one convoluted directory path! Where did you comeup with that brain dead location?

No is a pain to type. However, somehow, it becamea standard location to put these files. You can put them anywhere,but if someone who knows Windows sits down in front of your machine, theywill probably think to look in this location. On more than one occation,I didn't notice that someone put them in a DIFFERENT location. MostOEMs use this location. If you wish to be a free thinker, I wouldsuggest, rather than messing with this, try a REAL operating system, suchas Linux or OS/2

Copy the contents of the WIN95 directory on the CD-ROM to this directory.
Or, if loading Windows 98,

When this is done, eject the floppy and reboot your computer.

Step 4: Run SETUP

At this point you machine should be booted from the hard disk. Nodevice drivers of any kind should be loaded. There should be NO CONFIG.SYSor AUTOEXEC.BAT file. This is a clean boot. You don't wantWindows to mess up and try to keep anything you have already loaded. This particular re-boot is very critical -- if you booted off the floppy,Windows Setup will assume you will continue to boot from the floppy, andfunny things will happen later.

After the machine has rebooted, go back to the C:WINDOWSOPTIONSCABSdirectory and type SETUP.
C:>cd windowsoptionscabs

At this point, the Windows 9x startup program will start.

Windows 95, both releases: The first complication is when SCANDISKruns, the first part of the setup process. It will complain thatthe system does not have HIMEM.SYS loaded, and thus can't run. Thisis quite O.K., as your hard disk has just been wiped out, and if somethingcorrupted the hard disk so far, you have hardware problems. Tellthe system to continue anyway. Windows 98 doesn't seem to have thisproblem, interestingly. If you have a very small hard disk, you maynot see this message.

There are a few other points of interest. Setup *may* willask if your system has a CD-ROM, a Network card or a sound card. General rule: Don't select ANY of these, even if you DO have anyof those devices.


Windows 95 was developed in 1994. At that time,many or perhaps even most CD-ROMs were propriatary, not IDE or SCSI. Many odd sound cards existed, as did many odd network cards. By checkingany of those options, you are telling Windows to do a more complete scanfor these devices. This not only slows down this step, it also GREATLYincreases the chances the system will hang by 'probing' for one deviceand crashing another device, and thus your computer.

Windows 95 Image File

If you have an IDE or SCSI CD-ROM, it will be foundanyway.
If you have a Plug-and-Play sound card or networkcard that is supported by Windows, it will be found anyway.
If you have a device NOT supported by Windows, Plug-and-Playor not, checking these boxes won't help.
In short, in setting up a modern machine, checkingthese boxes will only hurt, not help. IF you are using an old propiataryCD-ROM (i.e., Teac, Soundblaster 2x, Mitsumi 1x, etc.), you might gainby checking the CD-ROM box. If the system locks, hey, I warned you.

At one point, Setup will ask you where you wish to install Windows. NOTE it wants to put it in C:WINDOWS.000. This is bad. Choose'Other Directory', and change it to C:WINDOWS. Windows will protestand complain, that's o.k., tell it to do it anyway.
WARNING: Make sure you delete the period! In theory, 'C:WINDOWS'and 'C:WINDOWS.' (see the period?) are the same location, although someprograms will go absolutely bonkers if you leave that period in there. Ask me, I know.

Let the install complete, and reboot as needed.

Step 5: Cleanup

Whaddya mean cleanup? Aren't we done??

Nope. If *all* your hardware is recognized by Windows 9x directly,you are done, but that is pretty rare.

Go to the System Control Pannel. Look under Device Manager. You will very possibly see a yellow question mark labled 'Other Devices'. This is where Windows 9x Setup filed all things it noticed but didn't recognize. These devices are known, but no drivers were loaded. Usually thereis a semi-descripive title, such as 'PCI Ethernet card' or 'SCSI Adapter'. You may see some devices labled 'Unknown device' -- save these for last. Or ignore them. I haven't figured out why some main boards put thoseup -- sometimes, they may be USB ports, other times, they are bizzare functionson otherwise plug-and-play cards (One of the many variations of the Soundblaster16 board leaves two mystery 'Other Devices' at I/O address 100 and 101which can be ignored)

There are two things you can do here: 1) pick the device, andclick 'Change driver'. Insert the disk or CD-ROM, and point the systemto the drive and the proper driver. Option 2) Delete the device,and let Windows notice it on the reboot, and install the drivers then.

Note that if you try to install video, sound or network card driversbefore doing this, you will probably fail. Why? Because the'resources' used by the cards in question are already in use by these 'OtherDevices'. You can't load two devices using the same resources, thereforeyou can't load the drivers before you remove them from 'Other Devices'.

Once this is done, if you are snug on disk space, you can delete *.EXE,*.BIN, and basicly everything but *.CAB from the C:WINDOWSOPTIONSCABS


Well, those files won't be used again, unless you need to reinstall Windows,of course. And, of course, if you DO have to re-install Windows,you will need to copy those files back, so I don't recommend deleting themunless you run snug on space.

You want to leave the *.CAB files so the system can find the files everytime you add or remove something. Yes, this means you have a copyof absolutely everything on your hard disk, and two copies of the thingsyou are actually using. Microsoft efficiency.
I don't like the Microsoft client software for several reasons. 1)it doesn't support NDS (Netware v4) well at all. 2) It hastraditional Microsoft disrespect for network security (it will commonlyspontaniously connect to servers, and it has been seen to do so as a passwordedsupervisor equivilent. Not funny.)

I instead recommend that you use the Novell client. This is abit tricky. Easy and works well if you go through the right process,but a nightmare if you don't.

The short version:
1) Get Microsoft Network Support working
2) Delete the excess
3) Log into the Netware network
4) Install Novell Client Software.
5) Adjust client software, and reboot.

Step 1: Get Microsoft Network Support working first.

If it is not already done, load the network card driver. As partof this process, it probably loaded the Client for Microsoft Networks andClient for Novell Networks, along with NetBEUI and IPX/SPX protocols, andperhaps Dial-up Networking Adapter and TCP/IP. If not there, loadat least the IPX/SPX and Client for Novell Networks.

This leads to mistake number 1: If you want to hook to a Novellnetwork, you would think you might click on Add, Client, and for Vendor,you would pick 'Novell'. Wrong. You are NOT (initially) loadinga Novell provided client, you are loading a Microsoft-provided client fora Novell network. Got it? The options under Novell are theDOS-based client solutions. YES you are connecting to the Novellnetwork, but not by using Novell solution -- not yet.

Set the Primary Network Login to Client for Netware Networks.

Step 2: Delete the excess network components

If you don't absolutely NEED NetBEUI, remove it. It is a brain deadMicrosoft protocol and inapproprate for large offices.
If you aren't using a modem or internet dial-up, remove the dial-upadapter.
If you aren't using TCP/IP, you may wish to remove it.
If you aren't using NT or Windows 95 peer-to-peer networking, removethe Client for Microsoft Networks. (some Internet packages expect thisto be there. If you need it, leave it.)

The less you have loaded, the fewer problems you will probably have.

The system will want to reboot after removing or adding anything.

Step 3: Login to network

When you reboot, you *should* get a three-field box, asking you for a username, a password and a server. IF you do not, your network softwareis not working properly, or you forgot to plug in your network cable. IF you didn't get the login box, you have to figure out the problem andfix it before going further.

Note, if you are running Netware v4.x, you are logging into your networkin the Bindary Emulation context, for you are not coming in as a NDS user. Make sure the user ID you are coming in as exists in that bindarycontext. Your login script probably didn't run, your drive mappingsare probably messed up. That's all o.k. This is only temporary.

If you get in successfully, you have proven your hardware configurationand your network card driver is working properly (if not, fix it!).

Step 4: Load Novell's Netware Client

There have been several versions of Novell's client software. Entertainingly,they keep changing the name. Roughly in order, it was Client 32,IntranetWare Client 32, Client 32 for Windows 95, Novell Netware Client.

I would recommend Novell's Window Client software v2.1 or later (theversion number is displayed in the Network Control Pannel when you doubleclick on the Netware Client line. If it doesn't come up with a versionnumber, it is older than v2.1).
Windows 98: Use client 2.5 or later.
Update: I have played with v3.01. Skip it. v3.10has been released -- looks nice. Works well so far.
Update: Gained more experience with client 3.10. It works well,but it has lots of 'extras' which probably don't do much for most peoplerunning Netware v4 or earlier, so I am personally keeping v2.5 around forolder computers. IF you aren't using TCP/IP networking, you may wantto customize your setup, and tell the client software to use IPX only.
Yet More Update: Client 3.1 does NOT work with the original release1 of Windows 95. You either have to patch Windows 95 or use client2.5.
Update for Windows 98: I -- and many other people -- havediscovered that under some cirumstances, it is not possible to installthe Netware client from the server. The short version of the problemis the client disconnects you from the server while doing the update, preventingthe rest of the update from completing, and leaving a real mess. Solution: 1) Load the client from a CD-ROM (a problem if you don't havea CD-ROM burner) or 2) copy the client to the local workstation FIRST. Then, follow these directions from THIS directory, rather than from theserver. The v3.x client sometimes puts up a warning message to thiseffect, unfortunately, I haven't had it happen to me in the lab, just atclients, where I am ill-prepaired to play with it. There is apparentlya 'fix' for this problem, apparently involving a new file from Microsoft,but Microsoft doesn't consider it a 'standard' fix, so they don't havethe file for public distribution. The Great Bill has spoken. I create a directory on the local hard disk, C:NovellIns tocopy the install files to, but there is nothing sacred about this.

I normally copy the Novell client software to the SYS:PUBLICCLIENTWIN95directory on the server. Yeah, it seems kinda dumb to put the clientsoftware on the server you are trying to get to, but since both Windows9x and Windows NT both have a limp-on mode for Netware, it actually workspretty well.

In either event, browse/explore/whatever your way to the client directory,and run SETUP.EXE from this directory. There are a lot of files here,so I normally just tap the 'S' key -- all versions of the client softwareI have used take you right to the SETUP.EXE file when you do this.

Some versions of the client software offer you the chance to upgradeto the Novell ODI drivers from the Microsoft NDIS. This sounds like a goodidea -- Novell's ODI spec is more rigidly controlled than Microsoft's NDIS,and under DOS, ODI was much easier to use and troubleshoot. Thisisn't true under Windows 95, however. Everyone's Windows 95 NDISdriver works, that can't be said of the 32 bit ODI drivers. In general,I would recommend UN-checking this box. This can also simplify futuretrouble shooting, should problems arise later. This option has beendropped from later versions of the driver software -- probably good.


Unlike most programs, it seems best to accept the defaults for the Netwareclient software (other than the above issue with the ODI driver)
Update: The client v3.x defaults to TCP/IP as its prefered protocol,and loads something called 'Novell Distributed Print Services'. Iusually turn both of these off, but the default does work fine. Cara hack 8 ball pool terbaru 2019.

Usually, at some point in the process, it will ask for the Windows 9xinstall CD-ROM. When it comes up with a location box, hit the upor down arrow until you see the (way) above C:WINDOWSOPTIONSCABS.

5) Adjust client software, and reboot

Now, when the client software finishes installing, you are asked to reboot. Don't. Not yet. Some versions of the client software installeroffer to let you customize the installation, others just let you deferthe reboot and return to the Windows desktop. Either way, work yourway to the network control pannel, and double click on the Novell Clientservice to customize it. There are two key things you MUST change:under the Default Capture tab, turn OFF the Form Feed and the Enable Bannercheck boxes. Idiotic feature that has been the default in Netwaresince day one. While many mainframe systems use banners quite effectively,I haven't seen any networks using them. Ever. I've beenplaying with Netware for 13 years, and the most common problem is the bannerpage at the front of a print job, and the blank page at the end.
Update: Client v3.01 and v3.10 have FIXED this!! YEAH! Then they turned on the Notify option. Bummer.

IF you are running NDS (i.e., Netware v4), you should know that whateverserver you specified when you first logged in under the Microsoft clientsoftware is now the default server. This may not be appropriate. In theory, you want to log into the tree, not the server. In practice,unless you disable the NDS support on the client, you WILL attach to thespecified server, then from there you will log into the tree. Ina small network, there is no reason to change anything. In a bigor multi-server network, you will find it best to reset the default loginto the TREE, not a particular server, in case that server is down, overloaded,or gets replaced.

Now, you can reboot. You now have a functional Windows 9x workstation! You will probably now need to set up printers, but that's another story..

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(C)opyright 1999 Nick Holland

Windows 98 is a continuation of the Windows 95 product. The major change is an insanely heavy focus on web integration. The help system, many applications, and even the desktop are redesigned to make use of Internet Explorer. Windows 98 runs on top of the same 'MS-DOS 7.1' with FAT32 support as Windows 95 OSR2, and it includes support for USB. Windows 98 had two major releases - a First Edition and a Second Edition. It was followed up by Windows ME.

If a download does not include a boot disk, please see Microsoft Windows Boot Disks

If the listed serials below do not work for a specific release, please see the Serials thread


Win 10 Iso File


Release notes

Windows 98 Second Edition is an update to the original Windows 98 that includes improved modem and sound/audio card support through the Windows Driver Model, improved USB support, Wake on LAN support, FireWire DV camcorder support, and SBP-2 Mass Storage device support. Internet Explorer 4.0 was also upgraded to 5.0 and Internet Connection Sharing made its debut. DirectX 6.1 was also included with DirectSound improvements. Windows Media Player 6.2 was also shipped replacing the old classic Windows 3.x/95 'Media Player' that originated with the Windows 3.0 MMC Extensions.

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Windows 98 Second Edition can be updated with the Microsoft .NET framework version 1.0, 1,1 and 2.0. The Visual C++ 2005 runtime is the last to carry Windows 98 support. The last version of Internet Explorer that can be installed on 98 SE is 6.0. Other available upgradeable components include DirectX 9.0c, Windows Installer 2.0, GDI+ redistributable, Remote Desktop Connection (XP 5.1), and Text Services Framework. The last version of Microsoft Office capable of running on Windows 98 is Office XP.

Installation instructions

Hardware requirements can be bypassed in the setup with the undocumented /nm setup switch. This will allow systems as old as the 80386 with 8MB of RAM to run Windows 98 (although this will be far from optimal)

Important: Only the OEM Full version is bootable. All others require an appropriate Windows 98 Boot Floppy.

To speed up installation, and to avoid numerous problems, copy the win98 folder to a folder on the hard drive (such as c:win98) and then run setup from there.

Iso Win 95 Super

Wanted: Floppy version