Our device out of Warranty I also do it the Following steps: This utility updates the firmware on Seagate hard drives installed in StorCenter ix2-200 and ix4-200d devices. The updater is recommended for HDDs larger than 500GB capacity that have CC37 or lower firmware and 500GB HDDs with firmware versions lower than CC37. The firmware update will also add support for folder quotas, so you can set size limits on particular folders and generate pop-up warnings that alert your employees as their folders approach set quotas. An updated StorCenter ix2 can also now handle Apple File Protocol (AFP) files, to simplify file sharing for Mac users on your network.
36 Iomega StorCenter ix2-200 Protocols The Protocols page lists the protocols supported by the Iomega StorCenter ix2-200. Iomega Ix2-200 User Guide - Page 37 37 Iomega StorCenter ix2-200 Apple File Sharing The Apple Filing Protocol (AFP) enables Apple file sharing, which is the preferred method for Mac users to access Shares.
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Is there any way to update the firmware via USB (from a flash drive)?
Hello esurplusplus
There is a way to flash the firmware via usb on ix4 units, however this is completely data destructive so it is not considered an update process.
If you have an ix4-200d I recommend checking the nas-central.org forums, they should have guides on preparing a usb flash drive for firmware imaging.
If you have an ix4-200d CE that is in warranty or if you are having issues updating to the latest firmware, please contact support as we still have the 3.2.6 imager utility which helps if your device is stuck at an older 3.0.x firmware.
If you are just trying to load the firmware due to formating all disks, purchasing an empty ix4-200d CE, or replacing all the disks at the same time, I can not say for certain that support would assist with an imager as those situations are handled per case.
LenovoEMC Contact Information is region specific. Please select the correct link then access the Contact Us at the top right:
US and Canada: https://lenovo-na-en.custhelp.com/
Latin America and Mexico: https://lenovo-la-es.custhelp.com/
EU: https://lenovo-eu-en.custhelp.com/
India/Asia Pacific: https://lenovo-ap-en.custhelp.com/
Similar Messages
im trying to update my ix4-300d from version to version
I downloaded the h4c- and checked its md5: 54b576b17f4628ee5465880418a37e0b to be sure it was not corrupted during download.
Then I upload the tgz-file to the NAS using the Web-Management and click to apply the update. He starts to decompress the update-file, but after a minute he jumps back to the management-page again and the systemlog states
Info: Software is getting updated to new version
Err: Software could not be updated, due to damaged Update-File
If I connect over ssh and check the md5 of the update-file, its still the same hash as stated on the lenovo-website, so the update-file itself is definitly fine.
md5sum /mnt/system/upgrade/staging/firmware/upgrade.bin gives the same hash 54b576b17f4628ee5465880418a37e0b .
I can see in top that he tryies to decompress the upgrade.bin through openssl and gzip and tar but is failing somehow.I did not found a logfile for this procedure yet.
Any Help appreciated.
found a logfile which states:
2014/11/09 13:14:16.747608: svcd[2008.2680]: (3942) DIAGNOSTIC: administrator: update firmware.
2014/11/09 13:14:16.914177: svcd[2008.2680]: (4907) ERROR: administrator: Illegal arguments
2014/11/09 13:15:00.055471: svcd[2008.2680]: (3933) DIAGNOSTIC: administrator: upg_tid: 1329517536
2014/11/09 13:15:00.136005: svcd[2008.2680]: (4440) INFORMATION: administrator: Updating software to version .
2014/11/09 13:15:00.153681: svcd[2008.2680]: (4255) DIAGNOSTIC: administrator: upload->exiting(65590)
2014/11/09 13:15:18.241847: svcd[2008.2755]: (1618) WARNING: Source image 'apps' (701255680) too large for target '/mnt/boot/images/apps.upgrade' (46297088)
2014/11/09 13:15:18.255083: svcd[2008.2755]: (1150) ERROR: Update Failed: Update Image bundle file is corrupted
2014/11/09 13:15:18.255690: svcd[2008.2755]: (4441) ERROR: The software could not be updated because the update file is corrupted.Hello
Firt of all sorry for my english lollMy Nas works on firmware version.I want to update to but i is impossible. I checked to log of the nas and it says the fw is corrupted.
Any advise?Hi,
found a logfile which states:
2014/11/09 13:14:16.747608: svcd[2008.2680]: (3942) DIAGNOSTIC: administrator: update firmware.
2014/11/09 13:14:16.914177: svcd[2008.2680]: (4907) ERROR: administrator: Illegal arguments
2014/11/09 13:15:00.055471: svcd[2008.2680]: (3933) DIAGNOSTIC: administrator: upg_tid: 1329517536
2014/11/09 13:15:00.136005: svcd[2008.2680]: (4440) INFORMATION: administrator: Updating software to version .
2014/11/09 13:15:00.153681: svcd[2008.2680]: (4255) DIAGNOSTIC: administrator: upload->exiting(65590)
2014/11/09 13:15:18.241847: svcd[2008.2755]: (1618) WARNING: Source image 'apps' (701255680) too large for target '/mnt/boot/images/apps.upgrade' (46297088)
2014/11/09 13:15:18.255083: svcd[2008.2755]: (1150) ERROR: Update Failed: Update Image bundle file is corrupted
2014/11/09 13:15:18.255690: svcd[2008.2755]: (4441) ERROR: The software could not be updated because the update file is corrupted.Hi....
I change ONE disk on a IOMEGA IX4-200D .... now I have 3 DISK 1TB with FW C38 and ONE (the replaced...) with C37.
Setting mirror utility I have available only 1TB and not 2TB ....
I'm trying to update the firmware... using DRIVER FWUPDATER 1.8 but the sistem seems not working... the USB KEY has FIXED light on but there is no activity on storage for hours....
There is some other procedure?
Thanks a lot....
Bye.Hi redhawk,
Have you followed the instructions exactly how it is described on the support pages below?
English - https://lenovo-na-en.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/24661
Italian - https://lenovo-eu-it.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/30401
The USB flash drive must be empty and formatted to FAT32, and make sure that you safely and properly remove the USB flash drive from the USB port. You may need to try a different USB flash drive if it is not working.
Make sure that your device's firmware is up to date as well:
StorCenter ix4-200d Firmware Version
StorCenter ix4-200d, Cloud Edition — Firmware Version
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LenovoEMC Support & Downloads
LenovoEMC North America Support Contact PageI updated the firmware on my iOmega StorCenter ix4-200d CE (4TB) to last night from After it uploaded to my NAS, it started to do it's normal shutdown, followed by the power up. Everything was going well until the power up, where it has locked up at 95%. There were no messages at all that came up either via the web interface, or on the LCD screen on the front of the device itself.
Has anyone else run in to this problem? Does anyone know of a solution? I have powered it off twice, and turned it back on. I get the same results.
Can I maybe load the previous version of the firmware on to a USB key, and install that without using the web interface, or losing any data?
EDIT: I should add, that it does show up as connected to my network when I look at the connected devices on my router. Upon seeing that, I decided to see if I could access the drives over my network, and oddly I can. I can access them both from my MacBoook Pro running Mavericks, as well as my PS3 which I use to access the Media Server on my NAS. My TimeMachine back ups are also still going to the NAS, and I can copy files too, and from it.
So it appears it has fully restarted, but the device itself on it's LCD screen, the web GUI, and the LenovaEMC Storage Manager keep saying that it is still 'restarting', not allowing me to do any managment of the device.Hello SurveyGeek
If your device did not seem to complete like others did on this forum thread, please try the following.
- Backup any critical data from the unit if another copy does not already exist.
- Power down the unit swap the first and last hard drives so they are in opposite bays and also re-seat the remaining disks.
- Reconnect power cable and allow unit to boot. you should close all previous web sessions to help speed up the boot process.
- If the issue persists please contact LenovoEMC support to review the issue further.
LenovoEMC Contact Information is region specific. Please select the correct link then access the Contact Us at the top right:
US and Canada: https://lenovo-na-en.custhelp.com/
Latin America and Mexico: https://lenovo-la-es.custhelp.com/
EU: https://lenovo-eu-en.custhelp.com/
India/Asia Pacific: https://lenovo-ap-en.custhelp.com/
http://support.lenovoemc.com/Hi everyone,
my device is Iomega StorCenter ix4-200d running firmware version
Last week user X on my device exceeded his personal folder's default quota (2 GB): I told him to move exceeding data away from the storage device and he did so.
Now he only has 300 MB under his folder, but the the device's web interface is still complaining about userX using 50 GB of space and therefore exceeding his quota. Furthermore, user X is not allowed to put more data into his personal folder, even if only stores 300 MB of data...
I tried the following solutions:
reboot the device
disabled quota on user X's personal folder and then re-enable it again
but none worked. How can I fix the issue?
Any help/hint would be appreciated. Thanks in advanceHello sanzso
I highly recommend you contact LenovoEMC PX12 support in your region regarding this issue.
a quick suggestions though. If media server is enabled, in some situations there can be an issue causing a data usage mis-match. Usually this would only show the 'others' listing to show as having a strange usage level.
To correct this, media server would need to be turned off, copy the share data to a new share or external storage device, delete the existing share(s) then restore the data to the new share(s).
LenovoEMC Contact Information is region specific. Please select the correct link then access the Contact Us at the top right:
US and Canada: https://lenovo-na-en.custhelp.com/
Latin America and Mexico: https://lenovo-la-es.custhelp.com/
EU: https://lenovo-eu-en.custhelp.com/
India/Asia Pacific: https://lenovo-ap-en.custhelp.com/
http://support.lenovoemc.com/Dear Sir, I am Nagamani from M Damodaran & Associates Chennai. We are Using NAS I OMEGA ix4 200d Model.We are getting the errors in NAS. The Errors are 1. Drive3 is Missing2. Data Production need to be reconstructed These are errors we getting. I swaping the Hard disk and Check it and problem not solved.We getting the Same Problem. I also do it the Factory reset,the problem not solved. I remove all the Hard disk and format the HARD DISK with NTFS File system. After that NAS cant start up. In lCD Display USB flash device only shows. Kindly support me and solve the issue. Our device out of Warranty I also do it the Following steps: This utility updates the firmware on Seagate hard drives installed in StorCenter ix2-200 and ix4-200d devices. The updater is recommended for HDDs larger than 500GB capacity that have CC37 or lower firmware and 500GB HDDs with firmware versions lower than CC37. It updates the firmware on these HDDs and provides performance improvements for the StorCenter device.You can check the capacity and firmware version of the HDDs installed in your StorCenter by logging into the web interface:If your StorCenter is using Lifeline version 3.x firmware, select Storage > Drive Management > Settings.If your StorCenter is using Lifeline version 2.x firmware, check under Settings > Disks.
CAUTION: ALWAYS BACK UP YOUR DATA BEFORE PERFORMING A FIRMWARE UPDATE!Follow the install instructions closely. This process should not affect the data on your drives; however, Iomega recommends you backup your data before proceeding! If you have files on the device you want to save, move them to another drive before updating. Perform the following steps to create the bootable update image on your USB flash drive. You will need to use a computer running a Windows operating system.Format a USB flash drive to FAT32:Insert a USB flash drive into a USB port on your PC and make a note of the assigned drive letter.IMPORTANT! The contents of the USB flash drive will be destroyed!From the Start menu, right click on My Computer (or Computer) and choose Manage.In the Computer Management console, in the left column, navigate to Computer Management (Local) > Storage > Disk Management.In the right column, right click on your USB drive and choose Format...You will be warned that the data on the drive will be lost and asked to confirm, choose Yes.In the Format options window, select FAT32 in the File System drop down menu and click on OK.You will be warned again that the data on the drive will be lost and asked to confirm, choose Yes.Allow the formatting process to complete before moving on to the next steps (leave the USB flash drive plugged in).Create the bootable USB flash drive containing the update:Download the update software DriveFWUpdater-1.8.exe onto your desktop.When the download is complete, double click on the saved file DriveFWUpdater-1.8.exe to start the installation wizard.On the initial setup page, click on Next >.On the Choose USB Device page, enter or browse to your USB drive to select it as the destination, then click on Install.When prompted, click on Finish.Safely eject the USB flash drive from your PC.Apply the update to the hard drives in your ix2-200 or ix4-200d:Power off your ix2-200 or ix4-200d.Unplug any external USB devices you may have connected to your ix2-200 or ix4-200d.Insert the bootable USB flash drive with the Updater into a USB port on your ix2-200 or ix4-200d.Press and hold the reset button on the rear panel of the unit.Power on your ix2-200 or x4-200d.Continue holding the reset button while powering on the device.ix4-200d: After about 1 minute, a picture of a USB flash drive will show on the front LCD display. At this point, release the reset button.ix2-200: Hold the reset button until the ix2-200 powers up completely.The ix2-200 or ix4-200d unit will now execute the utility loaded on the flash drive to update the drives in the system. After all drives are updated, the unit will automatically shut down. This should take less than 1 additional minute.After your ix2-200 or ix4-200d powers off, remove the USB flash drive.Power up your ix2-200 or ix4-200d.Verify the firmware version on the installed hard drives:If your device drives are 1TB or 2TB drives (4TB or 8TB total capacity), verify that the drives are updated to version CC38.If your device drives are 500GB (2TB total capacity), verify that the drives are updated to version CC37.You can view the HDD firmware version under:
Storage > Drive Management > Settings (Lifeline version 3.x), or
Settings > Disks (Lifeline version 2.x).Click the link below to download your software...nagamani,
The only option is to flash it, which I understood that you had already tried as part of that set of instructions you posted is for the imager.
If I am mistaken, you can contact support and request the imager here:
I cannot release the imager on these forums.REPLACED DISKS: 4 Hard Drive SEAGATE 1 TB with code ST31000520AS.
Before the replacement, had carried out the firmware upgrade for CC38 as executable: DriveFWUpdater-1.8.exe
Successfully finalized.
After the replacement of 4 discs, the procedure would make a boot by USB to reinstall the OS, right?
But when holding the reset for more than 60 seconds, does not appear on the LCD panel USB image >> Network, does not find the boot from USB.
Is there any other procedure?
Go to Solution.Hello estaile
The 'DriveFWUpdater-1.8.exe' utility is just for updating the Seagate firmware to cc38 in the ix4-200d / ix4-200d CE.
to replace all the disks you would need to follow the disk upgrade guide here. Basically if you still have at least one original disk with the Lifeline OS firmware, then you can boot the unit with that disk and 1-3 blank disks, after booting the unit will copy the firmware over. if the web interface requests overwrite, allow the overwrite. after that has finished you can power down, install the 4th disk and boot up the unit. the previously installed disk(s) would then be able to copy the firmware over to the last disk.
If you do not have any original disks with the firmware intact, it will limit your options as some of the legacy firmware imagers are no longer available. I recommend contacting LenovoEMC support in your region at that point to see what options might be available.
LenovoEMC Contact Information is region specific. Please select the correct link then access the Contact Us at the top right:
US and Canada: https://lenovo-na-en.custhelp.com/
Latin America and Mexico: https://lenovo-la-es.custhelp.com/
EU: https://lenovo-eu-en.custhelp.com/
India/Asia Pacific: https://lenovo-ap-en.custhelp.com/
After many years of dedicated service, a drive in my NAS has failed. These disks are discontinued and unavailable from Iomega/Lenovo, and I can only find reconditioned drives online, which I prefer not to use.
I took this as an opportunity to upgrade the NAS with 4 new Toshiba DT01ACA300 3TB drives with the understanding that they are not on any 'supported' list for this box.
All is working well with the exception of one thing. The new drives do not spin down regardless of the setting selected in the green settings. The NAS sits idle for 75% of the day, so it is reasonable to have them spin down.
I've been tempted to experiment with the linux command start-up procedures, but thought I might first get the insight and opinions of the experts first to help guide me to the correct path.
I've turned off all services except windows and MAC file access and SSH. I've read that some of the services can prevent spindown from being triggered.
Console boot shows a call to hdparm that does not set any params. This was true of the original disks as well, so I find myself not understanding the mechanism used to control spindown timing/control.
I am linux experienced and am comfortable with operating system configurations, so feel free to advise in any configuration adjustments you feel would be helpful.
Thank You,
Doug.This may not be the information you need, but ... here it is anyway.
md0_raid1 is the only process writing to the hard drives.
There are no reads to md0 even after 10 minutes, so this is strictly a write issue.
md0_raid1 644 352 0 352 0 sdc1, sdd1, sda1, sdb1
displayd 2580 24 0 24 0 dm-1
pdflush 149 20 0 20 0 dm-1
cp 5767 15 0 15 0 dm-1
mdo is the mirror raid set for the firmware/os/apps. I don't see anything amiss.
[email protected]:/# mdadm --detail /dev/md0
Version : 00.90
Creation Time : Sat Mar 7 12:00:43 2015
Raid Level : raid1
Array Size : 20980800 (20.01 GiB 21.48 GB)
Used Dev Size : 20980800 (20.01 GiB 21.48 GB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Preferred Minor : 0
Persistence : Superblock is persistent
Update Time : Fri Mar 20 08:06:01 2015
State : active
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0
UUID : 767ed4e1:cde9f6db:b42f99e0:30138ac1
Events : 0.2731
Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 49 0 active sync /dev/sdd1
1 8 17 1 active sync /dev/sdb1
2 8 33 2 active sync /dev/sdc1
3 8 1 3 active sync /dev/sda1
[email protected]:/#
md1 is the user raid 5 set. It too looks OK.
[email protected]:/# mdadm --detail /dev/md1
Version : 01.00
Creation Time : Mon Mar 16 19:13:20 2015
Raid Level : raid5
Array Size : 8727856320 (8323.53 GiB 8937.32 GB)
Used Dev Size : 5818570880 (5549.02 GiB 5958.22 GB)
Raid Devices : 4
Total Devices : 4
Preferred Minor : 1
Persistence : Superblock is persistent
Update Time : Fri Mar 20 07:40:20 2015
State : clean
Active Devices : 4
Working Devices : 4
Failed Devices : 0
Spare Devices : 0
Layout : left-symmetric
Chunk Size : 64K
Name : ix4-200d-BO0YMG:1
UUID : 155ad933:6f88005c:e999c694:06d74f07
Events : 79
Number Major Minor RaidDevice State
0 8 2 0 active sync /dev/sda2
1 8 18 1 active sync /dev/sdb2
2 8 34 2 active sync /dev/sdc2
3 8 50 3 active sync /dev/sdd2
I'll try to find what files are being written to on md0.
[email protected]:/# df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
rootfs 50M 9.6M 41M 20% /
/dev/root.old 6.5M 2.1M 4.4M 33% /initrd
none 50M 9.6M 41M 20% /
/dev/md0_vg/BFDlv 4.0G 634M 3.2G 17% /boot
/dev/loop0 593M 539M 55M 91% /mnt/apps
/dev/loop1 7.5M 2.3M 4.9M 32% /etc
/dev/loop2 252K 252K 0 100% /oem
tmpfs 250M 0 250M 0% /mnt/apps/lib/init/rw
tmpfs 250M 0 250M 0% /dev/shm
16G 832M 16G 6% /mnt/system
8.2T 6.4M 8.2T 1% /mnt/pools/A/A0
[email protected]:/#
I haven't figured out what the loop filesystems are yet, but loop2 appears to be full (/oem). I have no way of knowing if this is an issue or not.Upgraded firmware to for added security, Now there is not enough space to install optware. I get as far as installing gcc and then error installing python. My previous firmware was, so I tried to download this version from http://download.lenovo.com/nas/releasenotes/lifeline-rn-v4.0.4.pdf which refers to the link: ftp://asgimage:[email protected]/h4c- but the link is dead. So, my only option is to downgrade to because it is the only other version that is available. So I download this and try to downgrade but i get the message 'error, the update file is not valid'. My request is simple....Please provide clear instructions on how to downgrade the firmware and supply working links to previous firmware versions.5cramble,
Please see my reply on your other thread here:
I've Iomega StorCenter ix4-200d with firmware version The unit has four 1TB drives setup as RAID 5.
I've been having intermittent issues with drive 4 and IOmega device has been automatically reconstructing the protection in last few weeks. Recently drive 1 showed similar issue and now the whole data became invisible.
After Login to the device I see this message:
4 new drives with existing data have been added to your Iomega StorCenter device.
The Iomega StorCenter device failed and some data loss may have occurred.
On the Disks page, I see the four disk and If I hover over one of the disk it display this pop help message:
Disk has been replaced with a disk containing data from another system.
On one of the page I got this message:
Disk Overwite Authorization:
A disk with existing data has been inserted.
Note that using this disk will permanently destroy all of its previous contents.
Check this box to authorize overwriting the disk.
I have not done the overwriting to avoid any data loss. The unit is out of warranty and I need data recovery.
So far I've found these options online. Just would like to know the your experience, data recovery success and $$ amount you paid for the tool / service for recovery.
a. http://www.diydatarecovery.nl/irecover.htm - $70 tool
b. http://freedatarecovery.us/ - Service
c. http://www.angeldatarecovery.com/raid5-data-recovery/ - Service
d. http://www.krollontrack.com/data-recovery/recovery-software/windows/ - $499 tool
e. http://www.freeraidrecovery.com/library/raid5-recovery.aspx - Free tool
f. https://www.runtime.org/raid.htm - $99 Tool
g. http://www.retrodata.co.uk/data-recovery-services/nas-data-recovery/iomega-data-recovery/ - Service
h. http://www.drivesaversdatarecovery.com/devices-supported/raid-data-recovery/ - Service
Please advice.Hello svfm
As mentioned in another thread, UFS Explorer has been fairly successful, however I have not seen quite as much results from other applications. iRecover would be the next recommended option other than contacting a data recovery provider that can work with RAID systems.
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http://support.lenovoemc.com/Macbook 4,1 2008 2.4Ghz (not unibody). I recently reformatted my hard drive and reinstalled 10.6 from the Retail DVD and all seemed to go well. The MB was working fine up to that point. I then set up the MB (network, date and time, etc.) and repaired permissions.
I then checked Software Update and downloaded and installed the recommended updates to 10.6.8.
Again, all seemed to go fine. System booted and I repaired Permissions again. I went to the Apple web site, a couple of other web sites, and Software Update found another update to install: Firmware. Though I don't remember what version.
I clicked OK and it installed.
Upon reboot, it seemed to install okay.
But then I left the Macbook and it went into Sleep.
I didn't come back to it again until the next day.
When I pressed a key to wake it, I got what I now know is the screen that appears after you wake it from SAFE SLEEP. As per this Apple KB article: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1757.
And this is where the problems started.
After the MB woke to the Safe Sleep screen, which shows the desktop a little 'out of focus', the progress bars started filling in from left to right, BUT before they completed, the screen went BLACK.
And it has had a problem with black screen ever since. I can boot the MB from internal or external HD or from DVD, and it seems to boot fine. Boot chime, Apple logo, spinning wheel, then at the point where it pauses, blue screen, then goes to desktop, instead the screen goes black.
It finishes booting, but seems to go into Sleep.
I can wake it by pressing a key, but the screen either comes on and goes black again after 10 seconds, or I get the Safe Sleep wake screen, and then it goes black after 10 seconds.
And at boot or when waking the MB, the front LED flashes 5 times. There are no error beeps.
I've tried changing RAM, but problems remain.
So what's all this? Any ideas?
The display doesn't seem dead, as it works to boot and wake. The MB works fine with external monitor.
It's weird, but I can't think of anything apart from the Firmware update. The problems started right after installing it.
Unfortunately, this model of Macbook doesn't have a Firmware Restoration image to download and burn to CD. It is the ONLY Mac at this point that doesn't have this!
I called Apple support and even bought the 49 Euro Pay Per Incident service, which proved to be the same as throwing 49 Euro out the window. The only 'technical' support they provided was to Reset the SMC, which you can find out about FOR FREE at the Apple website. And which I'd done anyway. I'd also reinstalled the MacOS. Don't want to beef too much, but sheesh, you've already got a Macbook that might need costly repairs, and they make you pay 49 Euro BEFORE they even ask you about the problem and what you've done to try to solve it. I'm tempted to say 'ripoff'. I mean, if all they can offer you is the advice to reset the SMC - which Apple offers for free at their website - then that's pretty poor service for 49 Euro, to say the least.
Apart from the wasted 49 Euro, I'm pretty peeved about the Firmware update (or so it seems) wrecking a perfectly working 2008 Macbook. I don't know how to convince Apple of this, but I'm certainly going to try.Thanks for the reply.
Re. the Displays setting, the Macbook display isn't recognized and mirroring isn't an available option.
I've scoured the net and the idea of replacing the PRAM battery may be something to try. I read a post by a guy with a Macbook logic board screwed up by a Firmware update, which he solved by replacing the PRAM battery, as when you disconnect it you reset the logic board.
Which capacitor?
No luck so far with talking to Apple. I will try to get hold of someone a little more tech savvy and/or in a position of authority, as it seems that the Firmware is the culprit. Obviously a million other things could go wrong with a Macbook, but given the timing here it looks like the Firmware. Firmware updates can and occasionally do screw up a computer, as most manufacturers will warn you before you apply the update: PC makers, printer makers, etc. And they probably warn you that it's all your responsibility if anything goes wrong. But re. the Apple Firmware update:
1) it came thru Software Update
2) there was no warning
3) to make things worse, there's no Firmware Restoration image that I can burn to a CD to reflash the logic board: this is the only Apple computer that doesn't have a Firmware Restoration option
I'll try to get thru to a manager and convince him/her that the firmware may have been the cause.
Do you think an authorized Apple tech might have access to some way to do a firmware restoration? Something not avaiable to mere mortals? Because if not, the only solution looks like a new logic board.OK I have a 1tb sky hd box which hasn't had any really annoying issues up until the new firmware update (the one with the new Kids tile which is annoying in its own right). Anyway, I have been watching the cricket on SS2 and every so often when they break for a short advert between overs I've lost sound when it tries to revert to DD5.1 after switching from 2.0 on the adverts. I have to change channel and back again to get the sound back. Also, for the first time, my planner was showing empty today so I had to do a planner rebuild which solved the issue. Still, at least they seem to have solved the sound dropout issue. So just heads up for anyone else with a 1tb box who experiences the same issues.
(Quoting Karl Petersen here:)
There's a bug in iMovie 6 that makes it impossible to re-edit (Update) photo clips previously imported with the Ken Burns checkbox ON. The source photo, normally stored in the Media folder of the project, is (inappropriately) discarded when you empty the iMovie trash. The clips Update as black clips and the preview is usually black too, if I recall.
The workaround is to 1) drag the photo from the iMovie trash to the iMovie Clips pane; or 2) never empty the iMovie trash.
SueOk so internet was working fine until Cisco Connect told me to take an update. My connection is wired and there were no disruptions during the download. Yet the download still failed and now my power light blinks continuously and there is no internet access. I tried instructions on 'How to unbrick your Cisco Router', even got them to work, it took the firmware update from the cmd line. Still doesnt work though. What's wrong with this thing and how do i fix it?
Go to Solution.I ended up downloading a firmware utility program and was able to get it to reload. The power light became solid somewhere between 2-5 mins, however still didnt connect to the internet. Found that all this factory resetting will change your Internet access name & password, with no way to find out the new one. You have to remove the Cisco Connect program from your computer and reload it from the original disk. Only then will you be up and running again. While I appreciate the response Helm, I was way beyond a 30 second reset button solution when I posted this lol.
I'm having a problem with my 2008 2.4Ghz Macbook. After doing a fresh install of 10.6.0 with a Retail DVD, the MB was working perfectly, absolutely no problems at all. I then ran Software Update and installed all the recommended updates to 10.6.8, and I only noticed in passing that there was a Firmware update to do too, as reported by Software Update. I ran that as well and, IIRC, it was applied after fully updating to 10.6.8 and after rebooting twice. The MB rebooted, ran the Firmware update (which seemed to complete fine, as the progress bar completed normally against the grey screen), then rebooted. Again, IIRC, after running the Firmware update, and I'm now at 10.6.8, I started a Repair Permissions and left the MB for a while. It was the next day, maybe 15 hours later, when I went back to the MB and it was in Sleep. I pressed a key to wake it and this is when the weirdness started.
The screen was 'fuzzy', sort of out of focus, though I could see the desktop, and what I could see was: the Disk Utility window open on Repair Permissions (which had completed normally) and several Vertical Segmented Bars running across the bottom part of the screen, at about the height where the Firmware Update progress bar was. These bars were filling in from left to right. IIRC, it may have looked a little like when you wake from Deep Sleep (or Hibernate, or whatever it was called). Like when you Wake from Sleep after the battery has run out and then you plug the AC adapter in.
Anyway, before the Vertical Segmented Bars progress was completed, the screen went black. Pressing keys didn't bring the desktop back.
I did a forced shutdown, reset the SMC, then rebooted. No startup chime. The Superdrive, hard drive and fans spun up, but the screen remained black. After a few reboots, I got a desktop back, and tried to reinstall from both an external HD (with Restored disk image) and the Retail Snow Leo DVD. Both times, the MB booted to the startup screen: with the external HD, I held down Option and chose the Snow Leo install; with the DVD, the MB started normally while I held down the C key. The boot started from the HD and the DVD, but after about 60 seconds, with Apple logo and the spinning 'cog wheel', the screen went black. And seemed to shut down. With the external FW hard drive, the drive made a loud click, its LED went off, then it came back on after a few seconds, as if it had lost all power to it, then the LED lit up when power returned to it from the shut down MB. Anyway, the installs failed.
I then attached the 2.4 MB to another MB (2.1) in Target Disk Mode and it booted fine into TDM. It showed up on the 2.1's desktop, I ran Check Disk and it checked out okay. I then looked under Startup Disk and the 2.4's disk was listed there, with 10.6.8.
I then booted the 2.1 from the 2.4's disk and it booted fine. I ran check Permissions, and a huge list of permissions to repair came out. At this point, I've left things as they are. The 2.1 is booted from the 2.4, the latter used as external boot HD.
I then replaced hard drive and RAM. Tried to boot from DVD and install, got to Apple logo and spinning cog wheel, but after about 2 minutes the screen went black.
I then connected an external monitor and rebooted from the DVD. The external display received a video signal and I got to the Snow Leopard install screen. All this time the Macbook display has remained BLACK.
I went to Disk Utility and reformatted the new drive, then started the installation, which completed fine. The Macbook runs normally connected to the external display.
Any thoughts?
Why would the Macbook display work fine at boot (Apple logo, etc.), but then cut out after about 2-3 minutes?
Why would the Macbook screen remain black while I got a video signal on an external monitor?
Does this sound heat-related in some way? I should note that while booting from the DVD and now installing Snow Leopard, the fans are going pretty fast.
I just want to point out that this was an absolutely pristine, impeccable Macbook until these recent problems. It is in fantastic condition, none of the usual chips out of the top case and trackpad area. After the latest fresh install of 10.6.0 it was perfect upon reboot. Fast, perfect Airport and Bluetooth, FW and USB worked perfectly with a FW drive and USB mouse I hooked up. The update to 10.6.8 via Software Update seemed to complete fine.
Then all the problems started AFTER THE FIRMWARE UPDATE.
I don't know how much stock can be put in the firmware update being the cause of the problems, but the sequence here would bear that out. These are also somewhat unusual problems, at least in my experience.
One of the odd things was when I first went to wake the Macbook after the firmware update: the 'fuzzy', out-of-focus screen and the segmented progress bars. And it was just before the segmented bars completed progress from left to right that the display cut out and went black. And from that time on, I've had the aforementioned problems.
Any ideas or links to similar problems would be greatly appreciated, e.g. possibly firmware related, or where the Macbook screen works but goes black after a couple minutes. And now that I've been able to connect to an external monitor, it would seem that the video signal is okay too.
Thanks.Just to update.
After leaving the Macbook unplugged and without battery for a few days. I reset the SMC and, with no battery installed, I've just now rebooted and:
1) the first time, it booted, but no chime, and when the display turned on, once again I got the 'out of focus' desktop AND the segmented vertical bars on the desktop (and the bars were filling in from right to left); the display went black after about 10-15 seconds;
2) I shut down and swapped some different RAM, then reset the SMC again and booted without battery. This time I got the boot chime and the Macbook booted to the Apple logo screen and spinning cogwheel. After about 2 minutes, the cogwheel stopped spinning, as if to boot to the desktop, but then the display went black. The front light started to pulse after about 10 seconds, and the Macbook appeared to be in Sleep.
3) I woke the Macbook from sleep by hitting a few keys and this time it went to the desktop. This is the first time it's gone to the desktop since the problem started.
I had enough time to see that everything appeared normally on the desktop, such as the time and date, Airport was connected, etc. And then the display went black again, after about 10 seconds.
At this point, I can now always get to the desktop, but the display goes black after about 10 seconds. I have just enough time to press a few keys and the Macbook does respond.
4) I shut down and reinserted the battery. Here's where new problems show up.
With the battery inserted, and the Macbook in sleep, if I hit a key, the DVD spins up as the Macbook is waking, BUT now the front sleep indicator light FLASHES (blinks) 5 TIMES. No beeps.
The Macbook still gets to the desktop, like before, and the screen goes black after 10 seconds.
I found some info on the Apple site re. 5 flashes (Article 21502):
If you don’t hear beeps, but the sleep indicator light flashes five times when you start it up or wake it from sleep, its battery may need service. Take the battery to an Apple Authorized Service Provider, such as an Apple Retail Store.
For more information, see the Apple Support article below.
You can continue using your computer before you service the battery. Use a different battery, or connect the computer’s power adapter and plug it into a power source.
Note:If you use your computer without a battery or with a faulty battery, you could lose all unsaved changes if it’s unplugged while it’s on.
BUT, the battery is not defective, as it works okay in another Macbook.
I should also point out that the problem with the 5 indicator light flashes or with the battery did not exist before the 10.6.8 and the Firmware 1.4 updates.
Any ideas?
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